Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hobby ? Yes, I think so...

I've been thinking of blogging for quite some time now. Though am not new to blogging and the like, it's just that i haven't spent much time in maintaining and/or updating my other blogs. Result : Orphaned blogs sitting out there waiting to be purged! I have too many of them yeah :(
Most novice bloggers like me would agree : It's like buying a new gadget, we go through the instruction manual with full enthusiasm in the beginning and then, slowly the interest tapers downs through the days!

So, why did i re-start again ?
Every time i head out on a trip with family or friends, i say to myself - "I've got to make a photo blog and document this journey", so that a few years down the line, i can look back and re-live the happy moments. Not just that! Maybe, others can take notes from my travelogues and experiences.

Lets see how this goes :) My 3rd attempt at documenting the good things about my life!
I aim to cover the following topics here :
1) Travelogues.
2) Photo blogs.
3) General information, which i think will be favorable to others.


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